The Word SORRY – APOLOGY QUOTES are used more often in our daily life. There are time comes in our life when we unintentionally hurt some ones by not just only with action sometimes feeling also get hurt by our Words. Saying Sorry is a must when you hurt the feeling of your friend with words or your action. you should be thinking before saying a heart touching apology message to a friend. A warm words can assure your friend that you really love him and have feelings for him in your heart. Here we are some Sorry images and wishes for best friends while asking for forgiveness. A tip for All of you , SORRY is the best way to maintain forever relationships with friends and love ones.


Sorry wishes for best friends

“I’m sorry for my actions. I never meant to hurt you, and I deeply regret my mistakes.”

“I’m truly sorry for my behavior. I promise to learn from my mistakes and become a better person.”

“I apologize for my thoughtless words. They were spoken in a moment of frustration, and I didn’t mean them.”

“I apologize for my selfishness. I now understand how my actions affected you, and I’m truly sorry.”

“I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused. I never wanted to hurt you, and I’m truly sorry for my mistakes.”

“Please accept my sincere apologies. I never meant to hurt you, and I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

“I apologize for my insensitive behavior. It was thoughtless, and I deeply regret my actions.”

“I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed me. You deserve better, and I’m committed to making it up to you.”

“I apologize for my lack of understanding. I realize now how my actions affected you, and I’m truly sorry.”

“I’m sorry for letting you down. I never intended to disappoint you, and I will work hard to make it right.”

“I’m sorry for taking you for granted. You mean the world to me, and I will do better.”

“I’m sorry for the pain I caused you. I never meant to hurt you, and I’m committed to making amends.”




Apology quotes

“I apologize for my impulsive actions. I should have thought before I acted, and I’m truly sorry.”

“Please accept my heartfelt apologies. I never meant to hurt you, and I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

“I’m sorry for my lack of communication. I should have been more open and honest, and I deeply regret it.”

“I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. It was never my intention to cause confusion, and I apologize for any hurt it caused.”

“I apologize for my behavior. I promise to reflect on my actions and make positive changes.”

“Please accept my apologies for my thoughtlessness. I now understand how my actions impacted you, and I’m truly sorry.”

“Please forgive me for my shortcomings. I’m working on becoming a better person, and I hope you can see that.”

“I apologize for my temper. I should have controlled myself, and I’m deeply sorry for my outburst.”

“I’m sorry for the misunderstandings. I never meant to cause confusion, and I apologize for any hurt it caused.”

“I’m sorry for my lack of empathy. I should have been more understanding, and I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

“I apologize for my inconsiderate behavior. It was thoughtless, and I deeply regret my actions.”

“I apologize for my negligence. I should have been more attentive, and I deeply regret my actions.”

“I’m truly sorry for my words. They were spoken in anger, and I never meant to hurt you.”

“I apologize for my stubbornness. I now realize how it affected our relationship, and I’m committed to making positive changes.”

“I’m sorry for my arrogance. I should have been more humble, and I deeply regret my behavior.”

Sorry messages


Sorry messages

Sorry Messages for Friends – APOLOGY QUOTES

“Please accept my apologies for my insensitivity. I never intended to hurt you, and I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

“I apologize for my thoughtless comments. They were inappropriate, and I deeply regret my words.”

“I apologize for my irresponsibility. I should have been more reliable, and I deeply regret my actions.”

“I’m truly sorry for my betrayal. I never intended to hurt you, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to regain your trust.”

“I apologize for my jealousy. It was unfounded, and I’m working on overcoming it.”

“I apologize for my lack of understanding. I now realize how my actions affected you, and I’m committed to making amends.”

“I’m sorry for my lack of support. You deserved better, and I’m committed to being there for you.”

“I apologize for my stubbornness. I should have been more open-minded, and I deeply regret my actions.”

“I’m sorry for my impatience. I should have been more understanding, and I deeply regret my behavior.”

Sorry messages - APOLOGY QUOTES



“I’m sorry for my lack of communication. I should have kept you informed, and I’m committed to bettering our communication.”

“I’m sorry for my dishonesty. I should have been truthful, and I deeply regret my actions.”

I apologize for my mistake. Please forgive me for my actions.


I am truly sorry for my behavior. It was unacceptable, and I apologize.

I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused. It was unintentional.

I offer my heartfelt apologies for my thoughtlessness. I should have known better.

“Please forgive me for my forgetfulness. I should have remembered, and I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

I am truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused. Please forgive me for my actions.

I offer my apologies for my lack of communication. It was irresponsible of me.

I apologize for my insensitivity. It was inconsiderate of me, and I am sorry.

I apologize for not considering your feelings. They are important, and I regret overlooking them.

I apologize for my part in the disagreement. Let’s find a resolution and move forward.

I apologize for the disruption caused by my actions. It was thoughtless of me.



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